Monday, October 25, 2004

:: Words Become Me ::

I return your ode:

In and out of dreams
Burns an insomniac Fire.
A dispirited myth;
A famished melody.

We know ourselves
As fragments -
Slips and silvers of humanity.
Today I am yours;
Light casting darkness
Hope eroding joy.
Tonight I am yours;
In words and wayward prose
In the glow of a strange intimacy.
Would we find
An exit
The mystical door guarding
Our old world
An exit, a vent, an eclipse,
Breaking cosmic patterns of pain
Liberating, flaunting -

In and out of dreams:
We have loved and lost,
At its blithe cost;
I am still a prisoner, I still have
My chains;
I don't seek a knight, a hero -
I don't keep track of loses
And gains.

Long ago I have known you
Heard you
When you are no more than a whisper
An echo of faith
In and out
Of dreams.


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