Saturday, February 26, 2005

:: Smoke-choked closet ::

I feel curiously strangled,
When I laugh;
It’s like my soul doesn’t want to
Doesn’t care to
Can’t bear to
Erupt into that sort of cheap humour.

It’s a clown-faced doll that weeps
Or a clot of a tumour that keeps
Haunting, taunting me.

I have been robbed, it seems
Of my ability for small pleasures –
It’s all very difficult now, to bow
To the mirthless faces slashed with smiles;
Stop your air-kisses, I’m listless,
I bleed above my brows
When I laugh.

I don’t care to entertain, ascertain,
How you find my social health,
I have no wealth when I laugh,
You don’t make me rich – here and here,
I hear you knocking – you’re mocking
With that leer.

And when you laugh,
Perhaps you rumble inside
Or you grumble despite
That slash – a gash – yellow sash
On your face.

Oh we learn, how we learn
To laugh like that mad nettle that stings
We laugh at little things,
Oh how we laugh.


Madonna is the goddess of Caprice, I thought to myself irrelevantly as I sipped my wine. You're right though. I've fallen off the orbit; I am extinguished by a distant starquake. The music became torturous octaves of lyrical madness after a while, and my tongue was completely numbed to the taste of the wine.

3.09. Why why why. Fuck me sideways, Father Time, and get me out of here.


I'm still in fragments. My thoughts, my logic, my strength. They are all over the place today. Where are you? Are your wires shot too?


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